Sunday, September 28, 2014



The yellow leaves fall against the dark green forest floor.
They do not fool me with their sunny disposition.
Spinning and fluttering, like so many cheery snowflakes.
I call them cowardly for bailing and hiding on the ground
They are done with it before the harsh cold, and frosty morns.
I too would like to turn yellow to float ,to flutter, then to disappear.
To bail , to sail cheerfully flutter into a dark lush ground.
Finish with one short flight and do it up right.
But with a hope of finding an endless Summer I hold on.
I keep my feet on the dark green floor of my forest.
And walk at full speed as my edges slowly wither and turn yellow..
I hold on and look at the sky so afraid to begin the walk to die.
Every year I too flutter and spin, and see the signs of yellow.
For now I lay on the forest floor and let the leaves cover me.

Drinking in every last drop of morning dew, before the long harsh Winter. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The photo on the wall is a little off.
My soul is sideways and crossed.